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Judo Belts


Belts & Recommended Minimum Training Time
Rank / Title
Recommended Time *
Recommended Hours *
Black Belt - 10th Degree / Grand Master CEREMONIAL BELT
Founder / Inheritor
Black Belt - 10th Degree / Grand Master NORMAL BELT
Founder / Inheritor
Black Belt - 9th Degree / Grand Master
38 years / 3,648 classes
27,360 hours
Black Belt - 8th Degree / Grand Master
30 Years / 2,880 classes
21,600 hours
Black Belt - 7th Degree / Master
23 Years / 2,208 classes
16,560 hours
Black Belt - 6th Degree / Master
17 Years / 1,632 classes
12,240 hours
Black Belt - 5th Degree / Master
12 Years / 1,152 classes
8,640 hours
Black Belt - 4th Degree / Senior Instructor
8 Years / 768 classes
5,760 hours
Black Belt - 3rd Degree / Instructor
5 Years / 480 classes
3,600 hours
Black Belt - 2nd Degree / Assistant Instructor
3 Years / 288 classes
2,160 hours
Black Belt - 1st Degree
2 Years / 192 classes
1,440 hours
Senior Red Belt
18 months / 144 classes
1,080 hours
Red Belt
16 months / 128 classes
960 hours
Senior Blue Belt
14 months / 112 classes
840 hours
Blue Belt
12 months / 96 classes
720 hours
Senior Green Belt
10 months / 80 classes
600 hours
Green Belt
8 months / 64 classes
480 hours
Senior Yellow Belt
6 months / 48 classes
360 hours
Yellow Belt
4 months / 32 classes
240 hours
Senior White Belt
2 months / 16 classes
120 hours
White Belt
0 hours

Each belt also has 8 black horizontal stripes, or "tips" on the ends signifying that the student has gained the necessary skills for promotion. For more information visit the Belt Tips page.

* In the above chart, "Minimum Training" is the minimum total training-time recommended, before promotion to the next higher rank. All time values given are based on historical models and assume 60 hours of training time per month. Thus, training for an hour per week for 2 years, is not the same as 15 hours per week for 2 years. In the United States, the average training time to attain 1st Degree Black Belt is about 4 years.


The recommended hours can not be covered by class time alone, it also requires private training time in addition to class time.


These recommended times are completely at the discretion of the instructor and can be waived based upon the instructors evaluation of the student.

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