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Belt Rank Certificates

When a student successfully advances their belt rank they will receive a certificate signifying that accomplishment. The style of certificate shown here is used for all belt level ranks.


Our patch is displayed at the top center of the certificate. We have placed crossed walking canes behind our patch as the humble walking cane is the first weapon that we teach our students to use. Our logo is also embedded as a watermark in the background of the certificate.


Our certificates are adorned with Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters describing our fighting style to commemorate the mixture of martial art styles that form the basis of our fighting style as well as the students belt rank being written in both English and Japanese.


It contains the official Chinese and Japanese hanko dojo seals of Combat Fighting Arts™ as well as that of the Grand Master, which are applied by hand when the certificate is signed.


There is also a registered Certificate Number in the lower left corner which allows every certificate that we issue to be verified in our database.


Sample certificate for Senior White Belt

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